Got a kick-arse business you wanna get some free promotion for?? Email

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Gooseberry Bush Kidz

I found Gooseberry Bush Kidz on Facebook and just loved the simple, retro and kid-friendly style of the clothing. Anna has very kindly added her beautiful business to our blog... happy shopping!

Gooseberry Bush Kidz, (or GBKz as it is affectionately known), was created as a result of my husband buying me a sewing machine for Christmas 2009/10 for "mending ", and then me discovering that I could sew!!

I had made a couple of dresses/skirts for my daughter, which received compliments. This turned into me making a few dresses at rock bottom prices for the play group mums. With their encouragement, GBKz was born.

I create; "boutique toddler clothing for kids found under the gooseberry bush". As a 70's child I like to stick with the retro feel of fabrics and design. I also like to keep the clothing practical, I like to think that it can be worn any time, anywhere. I'd have to say the GBKz signature pinny is my best seller. so..... I keep making it

GBKz was born out of a need for me to "do something". As a SAHM to a 16mth old, as she was then, an Occupational Therapist, B.C., (before child), and a part time student, also BC, I needed something for me. I was battling PND too, so sewing helped me to find a way out of this cloud over my life .

What started out as a hobby turned into a passion and very quickly a small business, which amazingly turned over a small profit in the first year. That in itself was something that I had not even dreamed  possible. After all, I didn't even know that I could sew ! Right ?

I have now returned to work as a part-time Occupational Therapist, something that I thought I had lost the passion for, and am now learning all about juggling a business that is a passion and "paid" work.

I currently only sell through Facebook and local markets, however there is a website in the making and coming soon...

I have attached some photos from GBKz, however you can also see a selection  HERE

So, ladies, please jump over to the Facebook page of Gooseberry Bush Kidz via the link above and have a look at Anna's stunning retro inspired clothing for kids!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Vita Tratta Photography

I met Loz (Lauren) at a Naming Day where she was taking some beautiful photos for the couple to keep as special memories of the day. She was so attentive to each of the guests and got some beautifully candid shots of the family with baby Danny on his special day, and some great action shots of everyone mingling together and having a great time. I was struck by her effervescent personality, ability to talk with every person there. So, I stalked her on facebook, poured over the photos from the day and hit her up to be on the blog... yay, she's here!!

Here is what Lauren had to say about her business;

"Since I was a little girl I have always been amazed with the world of photography and being able to capture that special moment in being.. whether the good or the bad. 
I have decided to extend my passion and love of cameras to do something that I love. 
Vita Tratta  is 'Life is ' photography .
I don't limit myself to any particular type of photography. I like to put my artistic flair on any event. I am currently studying a double bachelor of Arts majoring in Interior Design and Photography. I like ALL things arty farty! "

"Persuing this career is something I never dreamed would actually become a reality. I received a parcel in the mail on Monday - My business cards and fridge magnets and it has all just become a bit more 'real'.
It benefits me and my little family because I am happy. And as my father used to say if 'mum' aint happy no body is happy. haha! It brings a warming, exciting passionate new light to my everyday life - our everyday life! I feel great when I see the faces and moods I have captured on the view screen.
The love of my life Jason has supported me through all my endevours
I couldn't now imagine how it was without him
- You have been my inspiration, support and rock even on the darkest of days. I love you always."

My business details are 
Albina Chase Lakelands 6180
Photographer for weddings, events, studio, sports.
So, blog readers, if you need any fantasmical photos taken, have a look at Lauren's sites and give her a call!
Help a sister out!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Cloth Nappy Co

I wish I used MCNs all the time, not only are they just too cute, they are a very economical and environmentally friendly alternative to the tip cluttering disposables. Here is our first Cloth Nappy company!

Amanda got in touch with me and told me a bit about her wonderful cloth nappy company. Here is what she had to say;

 "The biz supports us by providing the opportunity to work from home, so that myself and Laura are able to be with our babies (both under 2). The aim in starting the business in the first place was to create a work/life balance and to empower myself to see that i could "do it for myself". I decided to blend my 3 passions: digital marketing, organics and babies - hence the organic baby shop was born :) I then decided to make a more niche store that was predominantly focused on cloth nappies, and at that point I brought my sister into the business. With the 2 of us it has gone from strength to strength!"

I stole this bit from their website!;

Cloth Nappy Co. (incorporating Organic Baby Store) is Australia’s premiere one stop shop for modern cloth nappies, eco disposable nappies, and all things organic for baby’s bottoms!

We are 100% Australian owned by WAHM’s Amanda & Laura, with the assistance of their 1 year old bubs, Joah & Isabelle pictured above!). Amanda started Organic Baby Store in May 2010 and it went from strength to strength to become a leader in the natural baby industry.

After researching a rising trend in cloth nappy use, Amanda decided to create a niche modern cloth nappy store at the beginning of 2011, and hence Cloth Nappy Co. was born – with the reigns taken up by her sister Laura. And well, it was such a success story that Laura and Amanda did the obvious – and merged the 2 stores in July 2011. The business is now a predominantly modern cloth nappy shop, with a small range of organic baby and family care to cater for all natural baby needs.

Laura & Amanda understand that you want the very best for your baby and that is why they are dedicated to providing you with the best selection of modern cloth nappies, organic baby products, and eco nappies – all at the most competitive prices.

Take a good look around their site and if you need any help with cloth nappies please just email or call Laura on 0432 227 891 Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, as she would love to help you! All marketing and media enquiries can be directed to Amanda 0416 823 679.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Support Women on a Grand Scale

I can't remember when I first heard about KIVA but it was a real light bulb moment for me. Kiva provide safe and easily obtained loans for people who are starting or expanding a business. It is a great tool for us to use in our quest to support women who are supporting themselves.

The loans are interest free and paid back to the lenders over a number of months agreed upon before the loan is put to market. All we need to do is pick who to lend our money to.

You can search for people to lend to, just select the "female" box and then browse through and find a business idea, region of the world or enterprise that you feel strongly about and make a loan. All loans start at $25. Just be aware that when you choose to lend your money, the payment screen will automatically add a "donation" to KIVA for operating costs. This is automatically set to 15% of the amount you choose to lend. I always change this to 5% (an option in the drop down box) because I make so many little loans, I don't really have the disposible cash to donate so much every time and the amounts can run away from me.

Click Here!! to join me on Kiva to make a difference to women in the world. This is my new Kiva profile with the Blog Pic as the profile Pic. This is who I have made a loan to today, the first for the S.E.W. Blog.

Serah Wanjiku- Kenya.
Borrowing money to buy a sewing machine to expand her clothing shop.
Needs another $75.

I strongly recommend that you have a look at this site and make as many loans as you can afford to women who are toughing it in rough circumstances, trying to do the best for themselves and their family. I will be making a loan a month and posting them on the blog.

Help a sister out!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

First Feet

As a Mum of two kiddies myself, I get genuinely excited about little shoes. Your new baby's feet are one of the first things you gaze at after they are born, they are just so magically tiny and show just how precious these little humans are. And then, as they grow, their feet are one of the real indicators of exactly how far they've come. From the teeny socks which were too small for your pinkie, to the first toddling shoes... to the all important first school shoes and (*gasp*) the first high heels!! Here is our first baby shoe business for the blog!

Run by Gael Ward, a stay-at-home mum of two beautiful soles of her own, she has got a gorgeous selection of the highest quality first shoes. Here is what Gael told me about her business;

 I started my business initailly designing hair accessories . The shoe side of the business has just progressed so fast that I have laid to rest the hair clips for now and am currently waiting on my next lot of shoe designs to arrive. I'm super excited to be a work from home mum. It gives me the freedom, when I put the work hat on and take it off. My family are the single most important aspect of my life so getting to put them first and also have a business is a postion I am exceptionally grateful to have. I believe it is so important for women to help each other on their journey especially since our society has shifted from that of community. Amazing women doing amazing things..thanks so much for allowing me to be part of empowering women.

So, if you have some little feet in your house, please head over to
Also, you can find First Feet on their facebook page or email

My Crazed Lady Rant!

Women make up more than 50% of the population and if we spent the majority of our hard earned money on businesses which directly (or even better, only) financially benefited women, we would see a huge jump in the living conditions of women around the entire world! We really are the majority and should be acting that way! Time to make some positive social change, one dollar at a time!
Even if we just dedicated 50% of our hard earned money to be spent at kick-arse lady businesses, the change would be huge! It would be hard though, trying to find alternative places to shop. Hopefully I can help!
Can you imagine buying your veggies from a woman with her own market? Only buying your beauty products from a lady toughing it out to make her mark on the billion dollar patriarchal “beauty” industry?? Just imagine what good you could do if all your gifts came from your neighbour who is struggling to make ends meet for her family?
I know we make less money, and I know that a lot of us choose to spend our time caring for our family inside the home rather than working outside it but just image the impact we, all women, could make on global markets if we decided to actively seek out businesses which positively affect women and ONLY spend our (bloody hard earned) money there. Image the extra staff these women could take on if their turnover increased, imagine all the women in jobs they love!! Just imagine if all our money allocated for charity went to women in our community, our global community of all women!
Or, even better, don’t just imagine it... let’s get out there and do it!!  I am so very proud to have been able to showcase the businesses we have already, and there are many more to come. We need to diversify now and get all types of traders on our blog (our own personal social change database). Child carers, seamstresses, lawyers, tax accountants, gardeners, tour guides... do you know anyone?? Please get them in touch with me... I want us, this growing community, to put dollars in their pockets! Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Then we can all make an informed decision and choose to spend our money there instead of a company which doesn't directly benefit a woman who is making a go of it!
 Just Imagine!!!!