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Thursday 24 November 2011

Tammy Hine- Dietitian

This is a very exciting post for me because Tammy Hine is the first person to find my blog, contact me about it and actually be ON THE BLOG!! Can't wait to meet her and congratulate her for being so proactive! Here is a collection of information that Tammy has sent through to me over our weeks of communication;

"I can now officially let you know that as a Dietitian I have recently collaborated with the wonderful Hayden Quinn (Masterchef 2011 contestant) and yesterday he posted a blog about me that pretty much summarises my philosophies and what I do. See link below:
Here is a little bit more about me and how I love being an empowered woman!
My business is my pride and joy.  I started working as an Accredited Practising Dietitian in private practice in 2003 and in 2005 moved to my Mt Lawley address (prior to this I had worked as a clinical Dietitian in hospitals in Western Australia and the United Kingdom). The simple fact of the matter is, that I love to help people and I know that people feel better, healthier and more inspired to enjoy life and those around them when they are making positive health changes (such as eating well and exercising).  So many of the women that I see are Mums and I can connect with them on so many levels (extremely busy, tired, forgetting to put themselves first, no time for exercise or doing the things they love to do) I LOVE giving them permission to put themselves first (at least some of the time!)
My approach to weight loss is a realistic and healthy lifestyle approach.  Let’s face it, food is for enjoying and part of the key to sustaining healthy weight loss is avoiding deprivation that can lead to bingeing or “blow-outs” as so many of my clients admit to doing before they start on a healthy lifestyle approach.  Believe it or not, there is room to have your favourite foods and still lose weight! 
In addition to weight loss I also provide individualised dietary information to assist with diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  I see people for face-to-face consults at my Mt Lawley address and I also have email/online consultation packages available for those who prefer this option or find it hard to get time to come in for an appointment. 
My business has allowed me to not only help other people but it has been invaluable for me as a person and an empowered woman.  Working as a Dietitian is something that I love to do and during the hazy, tough days of being a new Mum it gave me the opportunity to leave the house, put on my “Dietitian hat” and feel fantastic about who I am and what I do, that in turn would mean that I would return home to my wonderful family (husband and two boys) refreshed and ready for the next domestic challenge!  Simply put, my work helped me to appreciate and love my family even more than I thought possible...
I can be contacted via the Facebook page or contact Victoria for all contact details.
Tammy Hine - Accredited Practising Dietitian & Accredited Nutritionist
B.Sc. (Nutrition & Food Sci), Postgrad. Dip. (Health Promotion)., Grad. Dip. (Dietetics)
Mt Lawley, Western Australia

So, how cool is that!!! We have our first dietitian! I am very happy to be diversifying! Get in touch with me if you'd like to be put in touch with Tammy outside of her Facebook page!

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