Got a kick-arse business you wanna get some free promotion for?? Email

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Stormies Dog Wash

After a short Christmas break, we're back with a great local business run by the mother of a colleague of mine.

Please welcome Tammy with her wonderful business  Stormies Dog Wash

 Tell us about your business-

Stormies is a caring and compassionate dog washing service that endeavours to have happy clients both furry and human! Primarily washing dogs and cats, I also have a client base of other furry pets, such as  rabbits, guinea pigs and even Old Macdonalds Travelling Farm!! All wash services are tailored to your pets individual needs, and a range of products are on hand to suit all skin types! Currently servicing the north eastern suburbs of Perth.
How does your business benefit you?

I previously worked in the retail management business and found that having 3 children the hours I was required to work were not conducive to maintaining a suitable work/life balance. After some considerable soul searching and research I decided that making the jump to small business would be a worthwhile endeavour. Some 4.5 years later, I have a successful business that I work into my own schedule, and have achieved a balance that works for our family.
What advice do you have for women looking to go into business?

I must admit that I was apprehensive about starting my own business but I had great support from my husband and extended family in the early stages. It was scary going from a guaranteed salary into the unknown, but I believe that confidence in my abilities and business plan was what kept me going in the early months.

Ph  freecall 1800 364499 (1800doggywash)  or Facebook : stormies dog wash
So, if you live in Perth and you want to spoil your little furry friends, please get in touch with Tammy and help support her amazing business!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

International Women's Day. Mar 8th 2012

Digital ad agency AKQA crafted a stunning ad campaign for Fast Company's Dec./Jan. issue. Their "Case for Girls" concept featured a Chinese woman wearing a shade of crimson lipstick and a pairing of Chinese characters that translate into: "You Are."
Their creative concept was so comprehensive, the agency now envisions a real-life potential for their idea, with a campaign that would include a pledge to wear red lipstick during International Women's Day, March 12, 2012.
The link to their just-launched website is The Flash-based website, available in Mandarin and English, is one scrolling page that highlights facts about women’s health and gender inequality in China and around the world that leads to a call to action to mobilise and unite women on International Women’s Day on March 12, 2012.
They've also crafted a video, which, as the agency describes it, "references the sparse style of Chinese brush strokes and ink paintings, the video introduces the idea called Ni Shi, meaning “you are." It's a gorgeous must-watch video--a stunning call to action.

Please jump on the website and watch the beautiful presentation and make the commitment to wear red lipstick on March the 8th 2012

Name Your Dummy

Please welcome Mai-Britt and Tea from Name Your Dummy.

 Tell us about your business:

We are the first to introduce the personalised dummy (also called soother or pacifier) to Australia and New Zealand – the child’s name will be permanently marked on the front of the dummy – they are not only cute, but a great way of reducing the spread of germs. No more tags or texta on the dummy. We only sell dummies produced in Australia and Europe – Happy Baby, Baby Nova and Nip – which all conform to Australian Safety Standards.
We are also very excited to be the first to permanently mark Sistema products – we mark KLIP IT containers, Quaddie lunch boxes and drink bottles from Sistema with the child’s name – great for child care and school – no more need for labels or texta.
We also sell things we just think are great products that compliment our personalised products. We got the DryBib and the Bandanda Bib which is a very funky bib that looks more like a scarf than a bib. And we got some funky dummy clips that are specially made for us by Spatz Mini Peeps – they can be used on all dummies, they can also be used to keep the child’s favourite toy or Rusk, so no losing it when out and about. And not forgetting the Nip sterilising box – can be used as a hygienic storage box for the dummy and in case the dummy gets dropped on the ground, pop it in the box with 2 teaspoons of water, give it 60 seconds in the micro-wave and the dummy is sterilised and safe to give the child again – great when you are out and about – can be done at any café or restaurant.
Still not sure what to get – then buy a gift voucher, which is the perfect present for a baby-shower – then the parent can buy personalised products when the baby is here.
All our products are BPA- , Nickel- and Lead free. 

How does your business benefit you:
      It does do something to your self-esteem knowing that it’s totally up to you if this is going to be a success or not. It’s a bit scary and at the same time you are on a high knowing you can do this J - it does gives a freedom knowing that you are your own boss, but also put a different kind of pressure on knowing that you do have to make this work as you still need to provide for your family. But the kids do have Mums that are more happy than when they are working for someone else!

      What advice do you have for women looking to go into business:
      Important that you do your research so you know the your market and check out how many is doing what you want to do – you do not want to overload the market as you are not going to get any business. And make sure your family is behind you and happy to back you up.

      Please email here, visit or check out the Facebook page.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Perth Party Feet

Well, another exciting business to showcase for you all this week. I have changed the format for the blog posts and this is the first business to use it. Sarah is my friend's sister in law and I've already bought some shoes from her great business Perth Party Feet. Sarah has run her business since January this year and has already gained a lot attention for having unique and well priced shoes. Here's what Sarah wrote about her business;

Tell us about your business-

      As a lover of shoes myself, I know that sometimes it is hard to find a unique pair that stands out in the crowd. With this in mind, I decided to start a shoe business, supplying ladies with fashionable and unique shoes for all occasions, at a reasonable price. I am still working on inventory and more stock, but the response so far has been very encouraging.

How does your business benefit you-

     It feels great to know that I have started this business from the ground up, with the help and support of my partner. It is almost like having my own baby, and watching it grow from stage to stage. There is an incredible sense of satisfaction when I receive an email or a message from a lady who has purchased something from me, who loves what they have purchased, and has received compliments on it. It is an amazing feeling.

What advice do you have for women looking to go into business-

      Hang in there! Perseverance is key – sometimes things don’t look so good, and you wonder whether it is worth it at all – just keep on at it!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Tammy Hine- Dietitian

This is a very exciting post for me because Tammy Hine is the first person to find my blog, contact me about it and actually be ON THE BLOG!! Can't wait to meet her and congratulate her for being so proactive! Here is a collection of information that Tammy has sent through to me over our weeks of communication;

"I can now officially let you know that as a Dietitian I have recently collaborated with the wonderful Hayden Quinn (Masterchef 2011 contestant) and yesterday he posted a blog about me that pretty much summarises my philosophies and what I do. See link below:
Here is a little bit more about me and how I love being an empowered woman!
My business is my pride and joy.  I started working as an Accredited Practising Dietitian in private practice in 2003 and in 2005 moved to my Mt Lawley address (prior to this I had worked as a clinical Dietitian in hospitals in Western Australia and the United Kingdom). The simple fact of the matter is, that I love to help people and I know that people feel better, healthier and more inspired to enjoy life and those around them when they are making positive health changes (such as eating well and exercising).  So many of the women that I see are Mums and I can connect with them on so many levels (extremely busy, tired, forgetting to put themselves first, no time for exercise or doing the things they love to do) I LOVE giving them permission to put themselves first (at least some of the time!)
My approach to weight loss is a realistic and healthy lifestyle approach.  Let’s face it, food is for enjoying and part of the key to sustaining healthy weight loss is avoiding deprivation that can lead to bingeing or “blow-outs” as so many of my clients admit to doing before they start on a healthy lifestyle approach.  Believe it or not, there is room to have your favourite foods and still lose weight! 
In addition to weight loss I also provide individualised dietary information to assist with diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  I see people for face-to-face consults at my Mt Lawley address and I also have email/online consultation packages available for those who prefer this option or find it hard to get time to come in for an appointment. 
My business has allowed me to not only help other people but it has been invaluable for me as a person and an empowered woman.  Working as a Dietitian is something that I love to do and during the hazy, tough days of being a new Mum it gave me the opportunity to leave the house, put on my “Dietitian hat” and feel fantastic about who I am and what I do, that in turn would mean that I would return home to my wonderful family (husband and two boys) refreshed and ready for the next domestic challenge!  Simply put, my work helped me to appreciate and love my family even more than I thought possible...
I can be contacted via the Facebook page or contact Victoria for all contact details.
Tammy Hine - Accredited Practising Dietitian & Accredited Nutritionist
B.Sc. (Nutrition & Food Sci), Postgrad. Dip. (Health Promotion)., Grad. Dip. (Dietetics)
Mt Lawley, Western Australia

So, how cool is that!!! We have our first dietitian! I am very happy to be diversifying! Get in touch with me if you'd like to be put in touch with Tammy outside of her Facebook page!

Friday 18 November 2011

Supporting Women on a Grand Scale Vol. 4

This month's Kiva loan has gone to Sahar from Jordan. She is raising funds for her Beauty Salon.

If you'd like to contribute to this loan, or any others, please go to

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Ayana Organics

This is a particularly exciting post. It just goes to show how many women in our community are trailblazing their way into the business world! I started my new job and within a few days I'd discovered that my colleague's wife started an amazing business! Please welcome Samantha and her splendiferous business Ayana Organics.

Ayana Organics: Natural skin care for pregnancy, postnatal, baby and the spa range for all women.

I created Ayana Organics 3 years ago, as I was keen to see a product on the market that ticked all of my personal boxes....a vegan, certified cruelty free skin care range that used only natural and organic ingredients; that was free of chemical preservatives; that supported fair trade and that had an environmental focus. 
Several years prior to setting up Ayana, I had come across the Gandhi quote: ''Be the change you want to see in the world". Rather than getting frustrated with companies that appeared to be getting on the natural or organic bandwagon, but not really delivering, I decided to create what I wanted to see. 
Working for myself has offered many benefits: I am able to remain at home with my children and watch them grow; to follow my passion; to get creative, to choose the stockists that I wish to work with; to support a fair trade project in Nepal, to donate products and to fundraise for charities close to my heart, and to employ other women who are in a similar situation to myself.

So Ladies, if you love yourself and your family then have a look at the utterly gorgeous products from Ayana Organics and head to or on the Facebook Page, Samantha also has a great blog which has been very informative and slightly addictive! 

*Dear Readers, I apologise for the formatting issue in the second paragraph. I cannot for the life of me get it to go away! Please disregard, I am aware of the mistake but I am powerless to stop it*

Tuesday 8 November 2011

As It Should Be

I am very excited this week! Today I get to showcase the business of my very best friend in the world. She is my first girl love and she will be with me forever! Now, Fair warning; Robyn has written as enthusiastically as she speaks, and as plentiful! I've popped everything under headings so you can find the bits you need the best. She is not only an amazing and beautiful woman, she is also the Maude to my Ethel and I hope you'll all support her as much as I do.

As It Should Be

So, my company is called As It Should Be Massage and Personal Training. 

Gym Training:
I currently work at The Good Life in Mt Lawley so if you are a member, I can train you there. I charge $40 for a 30 minute session, $55 for a 45 minute session and $70 for an hour. This includes an initial consultation where we discuss what you want from your training, goal setting, any injuries you may have or any medication you may be on. Measurements are taken and some fitness testing done to find out what your starting point is.

Group Classes: 
I also offer outdoor group fitness classes that are not connected to the gym. These can be tailored to suit the specific group's needs - whether it be a bootcamp, sport specific or a mother's group. These will cost between $15 and $35 per session, depending on the number of participants. I also train individuals outside the gym and the prices are the same as above.

About My Outdoor Sessions: 
Training ordinarily runs for between 45 and 50 minutes, comprising a short warm up, followed by the main workout, a series of Ab exercises and finishing with a short stretch session, depending on the time.

Sessions mainly incorporate compound bodyweight exercises (ie - squats, push ups, burpees, etc), mixed in with interval training (running sprints and some stair work if we find a venue that has stairs), plyometrics (jumping exercises), circuit training, some light weight and exercise band work. Each session is different from the next and of course, each session gets progressively more challenging!

The venue of the sessions could be varied to include the beach, out in the hills, Jacob's Ladder and the like.

I also run a Mobile Massage service - $100 for an hour, $75 for 45 minutes and $50 for 30 minutes. All done in the comfort of your own home. The client just needs to provide some towels and their own choice of music. Types of massage include Swedish (relaxation), deep tissue and trigger point therapy.

About Me:
I was a competitive swimmer growing up and tried my hand at a variety of sports - hockey, netball, surfing, squash, tennis, biathlon. So have been fit and active most of my life, except for a period in London where things got a tad of of hand and I ballooned to over 80kgs! So I do know what it is like to have been considerably larger than the norm. I decided that enough was enough when I tipped the scales at 81kgs and stared swimming again and joined Weightwatchers, but it was only when I was hospitalised with acute pancreatitis a few years later that I realised that I seriously needed to do something to get my health back on track, so I took up running, as well as boxing and went from someone who couldn't run for a bus to running 10k's in under an hour - no mean feat for a water baby who looks like a sick tortoise going backwards whilst running! By the time I left London, I weighed 72kgs and my health was back on track - no more blood tests and anti-cholesterol tablets meant for 50 year olds! Thank you exercise! 

I got back into competitive swimming (with a Masters club) a few months after moving to Australia and realised how much I loved being active and fit and competitive. I also started going to the gym and kept up my running a bit. My swimming career culminated in October 2009 when I competed in the World Masters Games in Sydney, where I won a gold, silver and bronze medal and swam Personal Best Times in all my events. While this was all going on, I kept thinking that I really should be doing something more with this whole health and fitness thing and the ubiquitous AIF ads with Michelle Bridges where starting to hit home. It wasn't until my whole life imploded at the end of 2009 (I left my husband, lost my job and had a falling out with some of the members of my swimming club - all in the same week!!), that I decided to do something about it and enrolled at the AIF to become a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist at the beginning of 2010. Best decision ever!

I still like to compete and ran the 12k City to Surf earlier this year and will be competing in the Rottnest Channel Swim in 2012 in a duo. Next year I may even run the half marathon as well.

Robyn's contact details are and number 0414 300 173.

So, if you love to look and feel awesome, give Robyn a call and support her business. Help a sister out!!