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Tuesday 6 December 2011

International Women's Day. Mar 8th 2012

Digital ad agency AKQA crafted a stunning ad campaign for Fast Company's Dec./Jan. issue. Their "Case for Girls" concept featured a Chinese woman wearing a shade of crimson lipstick and a pairing of Chinese characters that translate into: "You Are."
Their creative concept was so comprehensive, the agency now envisions a real-life potential for their idea, with a campaign that would include a pledge to wear red lipstick during International Women's Day, March 12, 2012.
The link to their just-launched website is The Flash-based website, available in Mandarin and English, is one scrolling page that highlights facts about women’s health and gender inequality in China and around the world that leads to a call to action to mobilise and unite women on International Women’s Day on March 12, 2012.
They've also crafted a video, which, as the agency describes it, "references the sparse style of Chinese brush strokes and ink paintings, the video introduces the idea called Ni Shi, meaning “you are." It's a gorgeous must-watch video--a stunning call to action.

Please jump on the website and watch the beautiful presentation and make the commitment to wear red lipstick on March the 8th 2012

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