Got a kick-arse business you wanna get some free promotion for?? Email

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Stormies Dog Wash

After a short Christmas break, we're back with a great local business run by the mother of a colleague of mine.

Please welcome Tammy with her wonderful business  Stormies Dog Wash

 Tell us about your business-

Stormies is a caring and compassionate dog washing service that endeavours to have happy clients both furry and human! Primarily washing dogs and cats, I also have a client base of other furry pets, such as  rabbits, guinea pigs and even Old Macdonalds Travelling Farm!! All wash services are tailored to your pets individual needs, and a range of products are on hand to suit all skin types! Currently servicing the north eastern suburbs of Perth.
How does your business benefit you?

I previously worked in the retail management business and found that having 3 children the hours I was required to work were not conducive to maintaining a suitable work/life balance. After some considerable soul searching and research I decided that making the jump to small business would be a worthwhile endeavour. Some 4.5 years later, I have a successful business that I work into my own schedule, and have achieved a balance that works for our family.
What advice do you have for women looking to go into business?

I must admit that I was apprehensive about starting my own business but I had great support from my husband and extended family in the early stages. It was scary going from a guaranteed salary into the unknown, but I believe that confidence in my abilities and business plan was what kept me going in the early months.

Ph  freecall 1800 364499 (1800doggywash)  or Facebook : stormies dog wash
So, if you live in Perth and you want to spoil your little furry friends, please get in touch with Tammy and help support her amazing business!

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