Got a kick-arse business you wanna get some free promotion for?? Email

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Body Mechanix- Holistic Health and Fittness

Here is yet another of my very good friends who has her own kick-arse business. Lisa and I have known each other for about 15 years after doing modelling and dancing together as kids. She has a great business and has been very enthusiastic about The S.E.W. Blog and has given us a great write up of her business. is truly your one stop health shop! Lisa offers a caring and professional service - no drop-and-give-me-20's or getting yelled at here!

Lisa is a fully qualified and insured Naturopath, Personal Trainer, Massuer, Acupuncturist and Zumba instructor, and is now studying Psychology to look after your mind and soul too. Lisa aims to ensure that you gets the attention you deserve - paying attention to the entire body when something ails ya and not simply focusing on the one area you may be seeing for her. Hurt your back and you join in group training? She will make suggestions how to improve your diet and maintain your body through massage or meditation. Feeling stressed and coming for naturopathic consultations? What about joining in group fitness classes and having a massage also?

Lisa became involved in the health industry as she truly cares about educating and helping others about their lifestyles. Growing up heavily involved with sport and dance, Lisa always found greater gains from dietary and lifestyle management plans rather than the medications often prescribed by doctors. She believes in living life in moderation and enjoys the odd glass of wine and piece of chocolate. Life is for living!

Check out the website or call 0412 78 77 64 to find out all about PT, group fitness, consultations and massages. Lisa looks forward to talking to you soon!

Sunday 16 October 2011

Support Women on a Grand Scale Vol. 3

I got excited! I have loaned another $25 to Marian Sos because she just looked so serene in the picture that I just could't go past! Marian lives in Cambodia and will use the money from the loan to buy plastics to resell.

The link you'll need if you want to join in!

Marian Sos

Saturday 15 October 2011

Support Women on a Grand Scale Vol. 2

This month I have made a loan of $25 to Annah Moochi Nyatuka for her business selling soft drinks. Her goal is go into wholesale business in the future.

Please go to to contribute to Annah's loan. And while you are there, have a look around the world and see if you can help any other women out. All terms and conditions for the loans and the repayment structure can be found on the website.

Annah Moochi Nyatuka
If you have made any Kiva loans, please comment below, I'd love to hear your take on this very wonderful programme.

Help a sister out!!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Subsidy & Yes Mum

I met Suze when I was pregnant with my second baby and she has been such a great friend. It has been such a privilege being friends with her and her lovely baby Zoe! Unfortunately she has recently moved to Canberra (other side of the country) but it has been really great knowing that I'll be chipping in a bit of support to her new business!!

Suze is the kind of Mum to make the rest of us feel bad! She is the most organised, creative and "together" Mum I have ever met! So, in between being a full time Mum, part time employee, full time wife... she has also started to make the cutest kids accessories, called the "Yes Mum" range, and bags for us big girls too, "Subsidy". I have to admit, I like the Subsidy range the best, as I love a good bag!

Here is what the lovely Suze had to say about her business;

"Being extremely bored whilst on maternity leave, led me to a frenzy of sewing. Now, anyone who knows me well knew that this was a definite “What the ….?”  I can even recall back to my high school Home Economics teacher, as she unpicked my sewing project for the 3rd time, suggest that perhaps I should consider taking up woodwork instead!

From this sewing frenzy came ‘Yes Mum!’ bucket hats for babies and toddlers, day bags (when the nappy bag become a bore) and the now quite popular 'Subsidy' bags.

I try not to make two items the same, so customers feel they have “the one and only”.  Besides I really dislike same same.

My inspiration comes from many things; colours, shapes, money (just seeing if you were paying attention), different materials, but above all, just seeing my creations out there is real motivation to keep sewing!"

So, please go to the Facebook Page and have a look at Suze's awesome wares. 

Help a sister out!!